Porcelain Veneers, or Dental Veneers, are
custom made wafer thin shells that fit and cover the front surface
of your tooth or teeth. Talk to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago, Dr. Genaro
Romo, who will be able to determine if you are good candidate for Dental
Dental Veneers can be made from resin or
porcelain, resin Veneers are thinner and do not resist stains they way that
porcelain veneers do. Porcelain veneers also look more natural as they reflect
light much in the say way that your natural teeth do. Resin veneers are thinner
and do not require your Dentist in Chicago to remove as much of the surface of
your tooth. As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to both
types of Veneers, but your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist will be able to advise you
on the best choice for your particular situation.
Dental Veneers can fix teeth that are
discolored from stains or root canal treatment, from tetracycline or excessive
fluoride use. Talk to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago about discolored resin
fillings, teeth that are broken or chipped or teeth that are uneven, misaligned,
or irregularly shaped as Dental Veneers can help fix those problems as well.
Dental Veneers usually require three visits
to your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist with the first appointment involving your
treatment planning and diagnosis. During your first appointment with Dr. Romo,
it is important to let him know what results you want. Your Dentist in Chicago
will examine your teeth to make sure you are a good candidate for Dental
Veneers. Dr. Romo may also take x-rays.
Your second appointment involves the tooth
preparation for the Dental Veneers. A small amount of enamel is removed from the
surface of your tooth, which is about equal to your Dental Veneer. Your Dentist in Chicago may recommend a local anesthetic before trimming, to relieve any
discomfort. After trimming, your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist will make an
impression or model that will be sent to the dental laboratory in order to make
your Dental Veneers.
After a couple of weeks, your Dental Veneers
will be ready to be bonded to your teeth, which constitutes your third and
final appointment. Before your tooth or teeth are cemented permanently, your
dentist will temporarily place for color and fit. Once adjusted, Dr. Romo will prepare your tooth or teeth by cleaning, polishing, and etching. This
actually roughens the tooth for stronger bonding. A special adhesive is applied
to your tooth and the Dental Veneer and once placed is cured with a laser or
light beam that hardens the cement.
If Dental Veneers
sound like something that you would like to consider, schedule a no obligation consultation with your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist who will be able to determine
if you are a good candidate for Dental Veneers.
Thanks to the wonders of Modern Cosmetic Dentistry in Chicago, you no longer have to resort to ancient cosmetic dental
procedures that were less than pleasant.
Thousands of years ago, the Romans and Greeks
would use urine to whiten their teeth, while other civilizations would mix pumice
with vinegar to brighten their pearly whites.
Barbers started to get into the act back in
1130 when they began to assist with dental procedures. In 1210, Barbers formed
a guild that consisted of dental hygienists and dental surgeons. Oral surgery
performed by barbers was discontinued in the 1400’s but they still performed oral
hygiene services including tooth whitening. Barbers would file down a patients
tooth before coating it with acid. Of course, this method of tooth whitening
worked quite well, but it eventually destroyed the tooth’s enamel.
Dental Implants are the second oldest form of
cosmetic dentistry with oral surgery topping the list. According to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago, root form implants were used over 4000 years ago with the
Chinese tapping pegs made from carved bamboo into the bone. Archaeologists have
uncovered Ancient Egyptian mummies that have transplanted teeth made from
precious metals, ivory and human teeth.
When Cosmetic Dentists tried to use human
teeth for dental implants in the 1700s, they soon discovered that the body
would reject any such implant almost immediately. Dentists decided to put metal
into the tooth sockets to replace missing teeth, but unfortunately, that didn’t
work too well either.
2,500 years ago, Native Americans were very
sophisticated when it came to dentistry. The Mayans and other tribes in southern North America would go to early cosmetic dentists to have grooves and
notches put into their teeth in order to show off semiprecious stones such as
jade, obsidian and turquoise. According to anthropologist Jose Concepcion
Jimenez, the men sported the fancy grills from all walks of life. Meant for
decoration they did not mark any social class. In fact, the Red Queen, a Mayan
mummy discovered in the Palenque Temple did not have any tooth decorations at
Thanks to
your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago you do not have to resort to such barbaric
practices when it comes to a beautiful smile. Schedule a no obligation
consultation today with Romo Dental.