Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Those Old Fillings Could Be Causing Problems

With all of the media attention that silver amalgam fillings are getting these days, you may be considering swapping out your old mercury fillings for tooth colored restorations 
Although you may be proud of those fillings that you have had for five, ten, or even fifteen years, the American Dental Association recommends that you schedule an appointment as there may be new cavities lurking beneath your old silver amalgam fillings.

Resin, or bonded fillings, will reduce the chance of leakage meaning dental caries will have a hard time invading the area beneath your filling. Bacteria and plaque can seep under an existing filling if your tooth is cracked, and because it is difficult to detect could be quite extensive, especially if you are not in pain. Scheduling regular appointments with your Dentist in Chicago will be able to detect any problems before they get worse.

Your fillings can fall out if you bite too hard as the material that was used for the tooth is unable to withstand the force. Unfortunately, if a large portion of your tooth is broken, you are inviting additional cavities. If the area is too large, Dr. Romo may recommend a dental crown.

Both resin and amalgam fillings will crack over time and will need to be replaced. Smaller cracks can occur around the edges of your filling causing additional tooth decay.

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Romo’s office, your dentist will be able to determine if your existing fillings need to replaced. He will do this by taking x-rays and performing several tests including tapping on your teeth. If your fillings are worn, they will need to be replaced.

According to your dentist, silver amalgam fillings have a lifespan of about 12 years, with composite fillings having a shorter life span. Schedule an appointment if you cannot remember how old your fillings are, whether they are resin or amalgam. Some signs to watch for include sensitive teeth, cracks or if you notice that part of your filling is missing.
If your dentist has determined that you need to replace your old fillings, he will discuss your options, which could include repairing or replacing. Schedule an appointment with your Hispanic Dentist in Chicago who will be able to select the best material for your particular situation.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It May Be Wise to Think Before You Chew

A good diet is not only good for your body, but good for your smile as well. Steering clear of foods that are not so good for your teeth and gums will keep your mouth healthy and you out of the dentist’s chair. Of course, you will need regular checkups with your Dentist in Chicago, but if you pay close attention to the foods you eat, your dentist may not detect tooth decay giving you a clean bill of health.

According to the American Dental Association and Dr. Romo, a diet that is rich in tooth healthy foods is just as important as regular checkups, brushing and flossing. Sugary and sticky foods are extremely bad for your teeth, as they will stay on your teeth for longer periods. Those gummy bears and caramels that you enjoyed at your daughter’s birthday party could have caused damage to the enamel on your teeth.

Drinks that are acidic and loaded with sugar will cause twice as much trouble for your teeth. Drinking soft drinks can stall saliva activity in your mouth, which helps to clear away food particles.  

Dried fruits may be good for your waistline, but not so good for your teeth. Those processed fruit snacks are loaded with sugar and incredibly sticky. This means that they will adhere to your teeth while the sugar quietly feeds on the bacteria in your mouth promoting dental erosion.

Those hard candies that you enjoy may be curbing your appetite, but they will wreck havoc on your teeth as the sweetness lingers in your mouth while dissolving long after they have been gone. If you do enjoy the occasional hard candy, be sure and rinse your mouth after eating.

Most people know that red wine can stain teeth, but all kinds of alcohol can hurt your teeth as it causes a decrease in your natural saliva production stopping the food particles from washing away. Alcohol can also damage the inside of your cheeks and gums, as it is very corrosive. People who drink more tend to be more susceptible to gum disease and dental problems.

Starchy foods such as white bread, potato chips, and those yummy crackers that you enjoy are not so good for your teeth either as starchy foods can become trapped in between your teeth. If you do not rinse after consuming starchy foods you will be feeding the bacteria in your mouth, which could cause plaque or even tartar.

Avoiding your favorite foods does not have to be a problem if you brush, rinse, or floss after eating something that could affect your teeth and gums. According to your Dentist in Chicago, it might be wise to think before you chew.