Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Schedule an Appointment for a Smile Makeover

Having a beautiful smile can boost your confidence anytime of the year, but especially during the holidays. According to Colgate a healthy smile can help boost your confidence. 

Now is the time to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a no obligation Smile Design consultation if you are ashamed to smile because of your teeth and gums.

During your dental appointment, your dentist will assess your teeth and gums to make sure that your mouth is healthy enough for cosmetic and restorative dental procedures. If gum disease or other issues are detected, your dentist will correct the problems before moving forward with Dental Crowns, Dental Implants, Dental Veneers, or Tooth Whitening.

If your dentist diagnoses gingivitis or the more serious periodontal disease, an appointment will be scheduled for scaling and planing. Scaling and planing is a safe deep cleaning treatment that helps restore your gums back to their healthy state.

Tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world, and if you have tried those numerous over the counter tooth whitening kits and still have yellow and stained teeth, schedule anappointment with your dentist. Tooth whitening works on your natural teeth, but will not alter the appearance of teeth with dental restorations.

There are two types of tooth whitening techniques available from your dentist. These include in-office tooth whiteningand tray whitening. Although in-office tooth whitening is more expensive than tray whitening, you can have whiter brighter teeth in as little as sixty minutes.

Take an hour off for lunch and you will come back with a beautiful new smile thanks to the light activated gel and laser system that is revolutionizing tooth whitening. To keep your smile white and bright, your dentist will make impressions of your teeth for your take home trays enabling you to keep your teeth white for years to come.

If you opt for the in-home tray whitening system your trays will be made from impressions made by your dentist. When your trays are ready, you will wear them thirty to sixty minutes twice a day for a few weeks. You will notice dramatic results that may need an occasional touch up, especially if you smoke, drink coffee or tea, or indulge in red wine.

Along with tooth whitening, your dentist may recommend Dental Veneers, Tooth Colored Dental Fillings, Bridges, or Crowns to complete your Smile Makeover.

This holiday season you don’t have to frown because of your smile. Schedule an appointment for a Smile Makeover and get ready to grin for the holidays.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dental Crowns for Kids and Adults

According to Wikipedia, Dental Crowns are used to cover a tooth in order to improve its appearance, strength, size, and shape. Dental Crowns are like caps that are cemented on top of the tooth fully encasing the visible part of your tooth just above your gum line.

Your dentist may suggest a Dental Crown if you have a weak tooth. Teeth that are broken or badly decayed may need Dental Crowns in order to hold the pieces of the cracked tooth together.

Dental Crowns are also used to restore broken teeth and to cover a tooth that has worn down. Your dentist may also recommend Dental Crowns if you have large fillings and not enough tooth to support it. Dental Crowns are also used to hold dental bridges in place and to cover Dental Implants.

Children may also require Dental Crowns on baby teeth if a tooth has a deep cavity. Your family dentist may also suggest Dental Crowns to protect kids who have a higher risk of tooth decay.

There are several types of Dental Crowns available. Stainless steel, all metal, such as alloy or gold, all resin, all ceramic, and porcelain fused to metal.

Stainless steel crowns are normally used on a temporary basis while your permanent crown is being made. Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated and make an ideal choice for children’s teeth, as less dental appointments are required.

Gold alloy, alloy, chromium or nickel are also used for Dental Crowns and compared to other materials require less tooth structure removal. Metal crowns hold up better to chewing and biting and rarely break or chip. According to your dentist, the only drawback to metal is the color. Metal Dental Crowns are best for back teeth and molars that are not seen.

Porcelain fused to metal Dental Crowns can be matched to the teeth surrounding the restoration; however, there will be more wear to the surrounding tooth than resin or metal Dental Crowns. The porcelain part of the crown can also break off or chip. Another drawback to these types of crowns is the dark lines that can sometimes appear at your gum line, and even more so if your gums begin to recede. These crowns are appropriate for both back and front teeth.  

All resin crowns wear over time, but cost less than other Dental Crown types. All resin crowns are prone to fractures as well.

All ceramic or all porcelain Dental Crowns will give you the most natural looking smile as they can be matched to the rest of your natural teeth. People who suffer from metal allergies may also be more suited to all ceramic or all porcelain Dental Crowns as well. Although not as strong as porcelain fused to metal and metal Dental Crowns, they make an excellent choice for front teeth.  

If you would like more information regarding Dental Crowns, schedule an appointment with your dentist who will be able to determine what type is the most appropriate for your needs.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dental Bonding for a Beautiful New Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry has certainly changed over the years, and thanks to a procedure known as Dental Bonding, you can have a new smile in as little as one dental appointment.

According to Colgate, Dental Bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves the application of a composite tooth colored resin to repair chipped, discolored, decayed, or fractured teeth. Dental Bonding can even be used to close that unsightly gap between your two front teeth.

Dental Bonding is easy and inexpensive and can also be used to replace silver amalgam fillings and older dental restorations that have discolored over the years. Dental Bonding is also a wonderful way to brighten teeth that have stains that will not budge with tooth whitening products.

People who have had to deal with gum recession can also benefit from Dental Bonding as it can be used to protect the portion of the root that has receded from the gum line.

Unless you are having a filling replaced or acavity filled with Dental Bonding material there is no need for shots or anesthetic.

During your initial exam, your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for Dental Bonding. If your teeth and gums are in good shape, an appointment will be scheduled for Dental Bonding.

During the Dental Bonding procedure, your dentist will first choose a composite resin color from a shade guide that best matches your natural teeth. Once the color has been chosen, your dentist will abrade or etch the surface of the tooth that is to be bonded in order to roughen it. After etching, a conditioning liquid will be applied to adhere the bonding material to the tooth.

Once the tooth has been prepared, your dentist, much like a sculptor, will apply the putty like plastic resin in order to smooth and mold it into shape. Once satisfied, your dentist will hard the resin with a laser or ultraviolet light. After the resin has hardened, your dentist will further shape and trim before polishing the tooth to match the rest of the surface of the tooth.

Dental Bonding takes between 30 and 60 minutes per tooth and may require additional dental appointments if more than one tooth is being bonded.

If you would like more information, schedule an appointment with your dentist who will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for Dental Bonding. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Do You Really Want to Get Your Tongue Pierced?

These days oral piercing is considered trendy, and if you or someone you know has been thinking about lip, tongue, uvula, yes that tissue that calls the back of your throat home, or cheek piercing, your dentist has some information that he would like to share that just may change your mind.

According to the American Dental Association, oral piercing not only causes infections, but could also be to blame for infectious diseases such as Herpes Simplex and Hepatitis. Oral Piercings could also cause permanent nerve damage, problems with your heart, excessive bleeding, and gum disease.

Because your mouth is moist, it is home to millions of bacteria. That bacterium is the perfect place for an infection. Infections can quickly spread and could become a threat to your life if not treated immediately.

Your dentist has seen his fair share of oral piercings gone wrong including tongue swelling so bad that it meant a trip to the hospital. Swelling is normal, but if it blocks the passageways, you may not be able to breathe.

People who wear tongue, lip, and uvula or cheek jewelry have a habit of playing or biting down on the barbells, posts, or rings. Doing so can injure your gums. If this occurs, your gums could recede leading to eventual tooth loss. Playing with your mouth jewelry could also crack dental restorations such as crowns, fillings, and caps not to mention breaking or damaging healthy teeth.

If you are sensitive to metals, you will find out quickly if you wear mouth jewelry. Allergic reactions can also occur at the site of the piercing itself.

An increase in the production of your saliva is a real possibility following oral piercings. In fact, you may notice that you are drooling uncontrollably, and when you think about it, who wants to do that?

After an oral piercing your dentist will tell you that numbness is normal, but according to your dentist, that numb feeling could become permanent, especially if you had your tongue pierced by someone who damaged the tiny nerves. This will affect your sense of taste and how your mouth moves when you speak.

Undetected heart problems could suddenly become a real issue if you have had your cheek, lip, uvula, or tongue pierced. Your heart and your heart valves could become infected with a disease known as Endocarditis if a bacterium hits your bloodstream.

If you would like more information regarding oral piercings, schedule an appointment with your dentist who just may be able to convince you that ear piercing is a much safer alternative.

Friday, August 15, 2014

When Was the Last Time You Saw Your Dentist?

An astounding 100 million Americans put off a trip to the dentist each year, even though regular dental checkups and proper oral hygiene will prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

Regular trips to the dentist are imperative as your dentist can spot problems with your teeth and gums before they get worse. If spotted early, that cavity will most likely not be a root canal costing you less time and money.

According to the American Dental Association, you should visit your dentist if your teeth have become sensitive to cold or hot temperatures.

If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, or if they are swollen, make an appointment with your dentist today.

Other signs that you need to see your dentist include chronic bad breath and a persistent bad taste in your mouth.

If you have dentures, dental implants, crowns, or fillings, regular dental checkups are vital to make sure that your dental restorations are still doing their job and functioning properly.

See your dentist if you have problems swallowing or chewing or if your family has a history of tooth decay or gum disease.

Folks with cardiovascular disease, HIV, or eating disorders should also see their dentist on a regular basis.

If you smoke or are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation or hormone replacement therapy make an appointment with your dentist.

That popping sound that you hear when you open or close your mouth could have something to do with your TMJ, otherwise known as your temporomandibular joint.

Even if you do not have any of the above symptoms, you should see your dentist regularly as preventive care is the best care, especially when it comes to your teeth and gums. Recent research indicates that poor oral health could cause additional health problems including heart disease.

In-between dental visits, it is important to brush twice each day for two minutes. Flossing once a day is essential for everyone regardless of your age. Good oral health habits are the best way to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

If you cannot remember the last time you saw your dentist, schedule an appointment today. Remember, and ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you have missing teeth, you know how difficult it can be to talk or eat, but missing teeth can also cause problems with your facial structure, and that is where Dental Implant Restoration from Dr. Romo, your Hispanic Dentist in Chicago comes in.

Despite the vast improvements when it comes to dental care, millions of people across the United States deal with tooth loss. The majority of tooth loss occurs because of poor oral hygiene that leads to gum disease and tooth decay. Injury is another reason for tooth loss. Up until now, the only options for missing teeth were dentures or Fixed Bridges, but not anymore.

Dental Implants are quickly becoming the favorite when it comes to missing teeth. Twenty years ago, Fixed Bridges and Dentures were the popular choice, but thanks to modern 21st century dental technology, Dental Implants are safer and in the long run more affordable than Fixed Bridges.

Unfortunately Fixed Bridges, unless kept exceptionally clean, can become a magnet for tooth decay. If you do not brush or floss carefully underneath a Fixed Bridge, tooth decay will begin to form. If this happens and gum disease sets in, you may have to deal with bone and tooth loss.

Ask your Dentist about Dental Implants. Dental Implants are much more comfortable than dentures and are just as strong as your natural teeth.

According to Web MD, Dental Implants are metal posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone by an oral surgeon or periodontist. Once the posts are placed, your dentist will give the bone that surrounds the implant time to heal. Once healing is complete, a replacement tooth will be attached to the Dental Implant Post.

Although Dental Implants are more expensive in the beginning, they far outweigh Fixed Bridges and Dentures in the long run offering superior benefits. Dental Implants are actually as strong, if not stronger than your natural teeth and can last for 20 years or longer.  

If you are considering Dental Implants, schedule an appointment with your Dentist who will be able to determine if you are a good candidate. In order to be suitable for Dental Implants you must have healthy teeth and gums. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Your Dentist May Be Able to Help with TMJ Disorders

That constant headache that you’ve been having could be cause for concern, and if everything has checked out with your physician, you may need to schedule an appointment with your dentist who can determine if you are suffering from a TMJ disorder.

TMJ, or Temporal-Mandibular Joint disorders are cause by problems that occur where the head and jaw meet. Your Dentist will tell you that TMJ disorders can cause all sorts of problems including earaches, constant popping or clicking when you open your mouth and trouble opening and closing your mouth.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, TMJ causes dysfunction and pain in the muscles that control the movement in your jaw. Recent research has indicated that more than 10 million people in the United Stated are affected with TMJ disorders.

Although men suffer from TMJ disorders, it is more common in women. For the majority of people dealing with TMJ disorders the discomfort is temporary and only happens on occasion. For some, a TMJ disorder may disappear without treatment, for others however, the pain is significant with symptoms that could last a lifetime.  

If you think you may be suffering from a TMJ disorder, there are some things you can do to alleviate the symptoms. These include the application of ice packs and eating soft foods. According to your Dentist, other things you can do to ease your pain include relaxation techniques and gentle jaw stretching. Try avoiding wide yawning and chewing gum as it may cause more problems.

Schedule an appointment with you doctor or Dentist who can help if over the counter medications have not helped relieve your pain and discomfort. Your Dentist may prescribe muscle relaxants, anti depressants or anti-inflammatory medications to help ease your TMJ symptoms.

Talk to your Dentist who may recommend stabilization splints. Widely used to help TMJ disorders, stabilization splints can help with pain and discomfort. Depending on your particular situation, your Dentist may also recommend replacing missing teeth or adjusting your bite. If you have gaps between your teeth or need to have your teeth moved, talk to your Dentist as these could all be causing TMJ problems. If clenching or teeth grinding is the problem, your Dentist may suggest a custom-made mouthpiece.

For more information regarding TMJ disorders, schedule an appointment with your Dentist who can help you decide what steps to take according to your needs.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Keep Your Teeth Clean or Risk the Inevitable

If you cannot remember the last time you had your teeth cleaned professionally, it is definitely time to schedule an appointment with your dentist.

When you put off regular teeth cleaning appointments, you are putting your teeth and gums at risk. Without regular dental cleanings, you can develop cavities and gingivitis.

According to Oral B, regularly scheduled dental cleanings with Romo Dental can help prevent plaque buildup. Plaque is that colorless, sticky film that remains on your teeth. If you do not have regular cleanings with your dentist in Chicago that plaque can turn to tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Plaque and tartar produce nasty toxins that will irritate your gums and eventually destroy the gum tissue leading to bone damage and eventually tooth loss.
Once the gum disease advances to the more dangerous periodontal disease, the pockets between your teeth and gums will grow deeper and travel further down the root of your tooth. Once it gets to this point, the bone will become destroyed. Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss, especially in adults. By scheduling regular appointments with your dentist, you can prevent gum disease and tooth loss.

Of course, good oral hygiene is also vital when it comes to the prevention of tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist recommends that you brush twice and floss once each day. If you like to snack, make sure that your rinse after eating to get rid of food particles and promote saliva. Saliva actually helps to wash away bacteria and acids that can cause plaque.

If you enjoy coffee, tea or red wine, your teeth will pay the price. Using tobacco products can also stain your teeth. External stains can be removed if you have your teeth cleaned regularly.

Having your teeth cleaned regularly can also prevent bad breath. There is nothing worse than having to avoid someone because of his or her halitosis.

Healthy teeth and gums can help your body as well. Recent research indicates that there is a connection between overall health and the health of your teeth and gums. Scheduling a dental cleaning every six months can help prevent heart disease and stroke, which has been linked to gum disease.

If you cannot remember the last time that you had your teeth cleaned, schedule an appointment with your dentist today.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Foods that are good for Your Teeth

A few weeks back, your dentist talked about foods that were bad for your teeth, but all is not lost, as there are some foods that are actually good for you and your pearly whites.

According to Web MD, how often and when you eat is just as important as the foods you put in your mouth. If you enjoy snacking, be sure to rinse after you eat and try to stay away from sugars and carbohydrates. These types of foods will convert to acids eroding the enamel on your teeth.

Your dentist recommends that you include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Pears, apples and carrots not only add crunch but will also help rinse away some of the food particles. Crunchy fruits and vegetables also have a high water content, which helps the saliva clear the bacteria from your teeth. Crunchy fruits and vegetables also dilute the natural sugars that are contained in the pear or apple you had before you went to bed. Snack on celery and you will be clearing the food in between your teeth. Celery is known as nature’s dental floss. Try to avoid citrus fruits on their own and include tomatoes, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and oranges with a meal to help minimize the acids.

Believe it or not, your dentist understands that meats such as pork, poultry, beef, and fish are actually good for your teeth and gums. Loaded with iron, that hamburger that you had for lunch is actually strengthening your bones and your teeth.

Peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, cashews and other types of nuts provide phosphorus. This is needed in order to remineralize your teeth.

Milk, sugar-free yogurt and other dairy products are a must if you want healthy teeth and gums. Calcium protects the enamel on your teeth and can actually provide a protective coating even if you didn’t brush after enjoying that big cheese plate for dinner.

Unsweetened tea, milk, and water are the best beverages to consume. If you must have a soda go for the diet variety, as they will not feed the bacteria as much as the sugary laden varieties do. If you enjoy sipping through a straw cut back. Excessive all day sipping will expose your teeth to sugar eroding the enamel on your teeth.

For more healthy food options for your teeth and gums, schedule an appointment with your dentist who can help you make the right choices for oral health.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dental Sealants Can Prevent Tooth Decay

Dental Sealants can help prevent tooth decay in infants, kids and teenagers, but are also being used for adults who have teeth without restorations. Talk to your dentist if you want to prevent cavities.
When your dentist applies Dental Sealants to the top of your back teeth the fine pits and grooves are protected from plaque. These grooves and pits are hard to reach when you brush, and when you floss, you just slide over the top of them. If left untouched, cavities will develop leading to an unnecessary trip to the dentist’s office. Dental Sealants prevent tooth decay from developing as the coating that is painted on to each tooth allows you to brush off the plaque easily and effectively.

Web MD describes Dental Sealants as plastic coatings that are thinly painted on to the places where you chew. Your dentist paints the thin solution on to your back teeth, or pre-molars and molars, into the grooves and depressions in order to form a strong and tough shield over your teeth.  

Because it is likely that your kids will develop tooth decay before they reach adulthood, Dental Sealants can ease the likely hood by providing a protective defense against cavities.

Dental sealants are perfect during the cavity prone years. When your children are between the ages of 6 to 14 you may want to consider Dental Sealants to prevent tooth decay. Babies may also be good candidates for Dental Sealants. It is imperative that your infant’s baby teeth are healthy as they provide the right spacing for their adult teeth.

Applying Dental Sealants is painless and quick. A few minutes is all it takes for a dentist or dental hygienist to paint the special dental sealant on to each tooth.

After each tooth is cleaned thoroughly, it is dried and wrapped with cotton. An acidic dental solution is then painted on to the back teeth where you chew to roughen, which helps the Dental Sealant seal the tooth. Once the teeth are rinsed and dried your dentist or hygienist will paint the Dental Sealant into the pits and grooves in your back teeth. Occasionally a special curing light may be used to cure the Dental Sealant.

Dental Sealants can help prevent tooth decay for up to a decade as long as you practice good oral hygiene. Brushing twice, flossing once a day, and seeing your dentist for regular checkups will prevent unnecessary trips to the dentist for replacement Dental Sealants.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Dental Sealants, schedule an appointment with your dentist today. Practicing preventive dental care now will prevent unnecessary and expensive dental appointments in the future.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to Find a Bi-lingual Family Dentist in Chicago

Finding the perfect dentist can be daunting, especially if you had to move quickly and were unable to get referrals from your Family Dentist in Chicago. Even if you have just moved across town, it can be difficult to locate a dentist whether you are a single person relocating for a new job or a family man moving across country with six kids and another one on the way, finding a dentist for your needs can be tough. Calling and scheduling an appointment with a dentist that you have never met before isn't the best idea in the world, and if you want to make sure that you and your family have the best care, there are some things you can do. 

If you didn’t get the chance to talk to your own dentist before you moved, go online and check with the American Dental Association who can help you locate a local dentist. If you are lucky enough to be moving to a place where you know people you can trust, ask. If you are Social Media savvy, go online and post a comment to your Twitter friends. Do your research, and don’t forget to use Google. Check online review sites. Yelp isn’t just for restaurants.

Explore a couple of dentists that have been recommended or who you found on the ADA website and check out the dental offices website. Go through the gallery and take a photo tour. You want to feel welcomed the moment you walk through the door. If the environment is stale and uninviting, you may want to look for a dentist elsewhere. Up to date magazines, a TV, and some kid’s toys make all the difference in the world. If the office looks inviting and the equipment is modern and clean you could be on the right track.

Read about the dentist and his staff. Make sure that both the Chicago Dentist and his team of practitioners are continuing dental education by attending seminars, classes, and workshops.
Most dental practices will tell you what type of equipment is used and what to expect when you visit the office. Don’t be afraid to ask what anesthetic is used and if your new dentist practices Sedative Dentistry. If you have a dental phobia and are seeing this particular dentist for the first time, it is important to have a dentist who can put you at ease.

Call the office and talk to the receptionist. The person is question is your first contact with your soon to be dentist, if you are bi-lingual make sure that the receptionist is as well. If he or she is friendly and able to answer your questions, schedule an appointment.

If you are searching for a new bi-lingual dentist in the Chicago area, call Romo Dental today and put your mind at ease.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chicago Dental Bonding To Give You Your Smile Back

Dental Bonding is very affordable, and if you have been hiding your smile because of that gap in-between your teeth, schedule an appointment with a Dentist in Chicago who can repair that chipped tooth or replace your silver amalgam fillings with tooth colored restorations.
Web MD will tell you that Dental Bonding is a 21st century modern dental procedure using a durable plastic resin that is applied directly to the problem area. Once your Chicago Dentist applies the Dental Bonding it will be hardened using a light that bonds the restoration to the area.

Dr. Romo will recommend bonding if your teeth are discolored or stained or if you want to close that gap in-between your teeth. Chipped teeth can also be repaired as well as the shape of your teeth. That front tooth that is a bit farther back than the other can be repaired with dental bonding in a single appointment.

One of the most popular dental procedures is also the most affordable and easiest. The tooth colored resin is normally used for cosmetic reasons, but can also be used to fill that cavity in your front tooth. Other reasons that your Chicago Dentist may recommend Dental Bonding is to protect part of the root of your tooth that has receded because of gum disease. In nearly all cases anesthetic is not required for cosmetic Dental Bonding, but may be necessary if you are having a filling replaced or need your dentist to repair a cavity. 

Dental Bonding is different to veneers in that Dental Bonding only requires a single 30-minute visit. Veneers require a couple of visits as your Dentist in Chicago will need to make a mold to insure proper fit.

When you schedule an appointment for Dental Bonding, your dentist will of course make sure that you are a good candidate giving you a clean bill of health when it comes to your teeth and gums. Once given the all clear, your dentist will choose a resin color from a shade guide that best matches your natural tooth color. Once the color has been chosen, your Chicago Dentist will lightly etch the surface of the tooth in order to roughen it up a bit. One the abrasion is complete; your dentist will coat the area with conditioning liquid helping the bonding material adhere properly.

After the preparation, your dentist will apply that resin that is much like putty, before smoothing and modeling to the proper shape. After Dr. Romo is happy with the look, the area will be hardened with a laser or ultraviolet light. Once hardened he will shape, trim and polish.

Dental Bonding will not last forever. Don’t bite your nails and never chew on ice as it can chip the Dental Bonding. Try avoiding smoking, tea coffee or red wine, which can stain the Dental Bonding.

If you would like more information about Dental Bonding, schedule an appointment with your Chicago Dentist today. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Those Old Fillings Could Be Causing Problems

With all of the media attention that silver amalgam fillings are getting these days, you may be considering swapping out your old mercury fillings for tooth colored restorations 
Although you may be proud of those fillings that you have had for five, ten, or even fifteen years, the American Dental Association recommends that you schedule an appointment as there may be new cavities lurking beneath your old silver amalgam fillings.

Resin, or bonded fillings, will reduce the chance of leakage meaning dental caries will have a hard time invading the area beneath your filling. Bacteria and plaque can seep under an existing filling if your tooth is cracked, and because it is difficult to detect could be quite extensive, especially if you are not in pain. Scheduling regular appointments with your Dentist in Chicago will be able to detect any problems before they get worse.

Your fillings can fall out if you bite too hard as the material that was used for the tooth is unable to withstand the force. Unfortunately, if a large portion of your tooth is broken, you are inviting additional cavities. If the area is too large, Dr. Romo may recommend a dental crown.

Both resin and amalgam fillings will crack over time and will need to be replaced. Smaller cracks can occur around the edges of your filling causing additional tooth decay.

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Romo’s office, your dentist will be able to determine if your existing fillings need to replaced. He will do this by taking x-rays and performing several tests including tapping on your teeth. If your fillings are worn, they will need to be replaced.

According to your dentist, silver amalgam fillings have a lifespan of about 12 years, with composite fillings having a shorter life span. Schedule an appointment if you cannot remember how old your fillings are, whether they are resin or amalgam. Some signs to watch for include sensitive teeth, cracks or if you notice that part of your filling is missing.
If your dentist has determined that you need to replace your old fillings, he will discuss your options, which could include repairing or replacing. Schedule an appointment with your Hispanic Dentist in Chicago who will be able to select the best material for your particular situation.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It May Be Wise to Think Before You Chew

A good diet is not only good for your body, but good for your smile as well. Steering clear of foods that are not so good for your teeth and gums will keep your mouth healthy and you out of the dentist’s chair. Of course, you will need regular checkups with your Dentist in Chicago, but if you pay close attention to the foods you eat, your dentist may not detect tooth decay giving you a clean bill of health.

According to the American Dental Association and Dr. Romo, a diet that is rich in tooth healthy foods is just as important as regular checkups, brushing and flossing. Sugary and sticky foods are extremely bad for your teeth, as they will stay on your teeth for longer periods. Those gummy bears and caramels that you enjoyed at your daughter’s birthday party could have caused damage to the enamel on your teeth.

Drinks that are acidic and loaded with sugar will cause twice as much trouble for your teeth. Drinking soft drinks can stall saliva activity in your mouth, which helps to clear away food particles.  

Dried fruits may be good for your waistline, but not so good for your teeth. Those processed fruit snacks are loaded with sugar and incredibly sticky. This means that they will adhere to your teeth while the sugar quietly feeds on the bacteria in your mouth promoting dental erosion.

Those hard candies that you enjoy may be curbing your appetite, but they will wreck havoc on your teeth as the sweetness lingers in your mouth while dissolving long after they have been gone. If you do enjoy the occasional hard candy, be sure and rinse your mouth after eating.

Most people know that red wine can stain teeth, but all kinds of alcohol can hurt your teeth as it causes a decrease in your natural saliva production stopping the food particles from washing away. Alcohol can also damage the inside of your cheeks and gums, as it is very corrosive. People who drink more tend to be more susceptible to gum disease and dental problems.

Starchy foods such as white bread, potato chips, and those yummy crackers that you enjoy are not so good for your teeth either as starchy foods can become trapped in between your teeth. If you do not rinse after consuming starchy foods you will be feeding the bacteria in your mouth, which could cause plaque or even tartar.

Avoiding your favorite foods does not have to be a problem if you brush, rinse, or floss after eating something that could affect your teeth and gums. According to your Dentist in Chicago, it might be wise to think before you chew. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dental Veneers to Improve Your Smile

Porcelain Veneers, or Dental Veneers, are custom made wafer thin shells that fit and cover the front surface of your tooth or teeth. Talk to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago, Dr. Genaro Romo, who will be able to determine if you are good candidate for Dental Veneers.

Dental Veneers can be made from resin or porcelain, resin Veneers are thinner and do not resist stains they way that porcelain veneers do. Porcelain veneers also look more natural as they reflect light much in the say way that your natural teeth do. Resin veneers are thinner and do not require your Dentist in Chicago to remove as much of the surface of your tooth. As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to both types of Veneers, but your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist will be able to advise you on the best choice for your particular situation.

Dental Veneers can fix teeth that are discolored from stains or root canal treatment, from tetracycline or excessive fluoride use. Talk to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago about discolored resin fillings, teeth that are broken or chipped or teeth that are uneven, misaligned, or irregularly shaped as Dental Veneers can help fix those problems as well.

Dental Veneers usually require three visits to your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist with the first appointment involving your treatment planning and diagnosis. During your first appointment with Dr. Romo, it is important to let him know what results you want. Your Dentist in Chicago will examine your teeth to make sure you are a good candidate for Dental Veneers. Dr. Romo may also take x-rays.

Your second appointment involves the tooth preparation for the Dental Veneers. A small amount of enamel is removed from the surface of your tooth, which is about equal to your Dental Veneer. Your Dentist in Chicago may recommend a local anesthetic before trimming, to relieve any discomfort. After trimming, your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist will make an impression or model that will be sent to the dental laboratory in order to make your Dental Veneers.

After a couple of weeks, your Dental Veneers will be ready to be bonded to your teeth, which constitutes your third and final appointment. Before your tooth or teeth are cemented permanently, your dentist will temporarily place for color and fit. Once adjusted, Dr. Romo will prepare your tooth or teeth by cleaning, polishing, and etching. This actually roughens the tooth for stronger bonding. A special adhesive is applied to your tooth and the Dental Veneer and once placed is cured with a laser or light beam that hardens the cement.

If Dental Veneers sound like something that you would like to consider, schedule a no obligation consultation with your Chicago Cosmetic Dentist who will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for Dental Veneers.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ancient Cosmetic Dentistry Techniques that Will Surprise You

Thanks to the wonders of Modern Cosmetic Dentistry in Chicago, you no longer have to resort to ancient cosmetic dental procedures that were less than pleasant.

Thousands of years ago, the Romans and Greeks would use urine to whiten their teeth, while other civilizations would mix pumice with vinegar to brighten their pearly whites.

Barbers started to get into the act back in 1130 when they began to assist with dental procedures. In 1210, Barbers formed a guild that consisted of dental hygienists and dental surgeons. Oral surgery performed by barbers was discontinued in the 1400’s but they still performed oral hygiene services including tooth whitening. Barbers would file down a patients tooth before coating it with acid. Of course, this method of tooth whitening worked quite well, but it eventually destroyed the tooth’s enamel.

Dental Implants are the second oldest form of cosmetic dentistry with oral surgery topping the list. According to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago, root form implants were used over 4000 years ago with the Chinese tapping pegs made from carved bamboo into the bone. Archaeologists have uncovered Ancient Egyptian mummies that have transplanted teeth made from precious metals, ivory and human teeth.

When Cosmetic Dentists tried to use human teeth for dental implants in the 1700s, they soon discovered that the body would reject any such implant almost immediately. Dentists decided to put metal into the tooth sockets to replace missing teeth, but unfortunately, that didn’t work too well either.

2,500 years ago, Native Americans were very sophisticated when it came to dentistry. The Mayans and other tribes in southern North America would go to early cosmetic dentists to have grooves and notches put into their teeth in order to show off semiprecious stones such as jade, obsidian and turquoise. According to anthropologist Jose Concepcion Jimenez, the men sported the fancy grills from all walks of life. Meant for decoration they did not mark any social class. In fact, the Red Queen, a Mayan mummy discovered in the Palenque Temple did not have any tooth decorations at all.

Thanks to your Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago you do not have to resort to such barbaric practices when it comes to a beautiful smile. Schedule a no obligation consultation today with Romo Dental.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Smoking and Oral Health

Most people are aware of the health problems that can occur if you smoke or chew tobacco, but your lungs and heart are not the only things that can be affected if you light up.

According to your Dentist in Chicago, Dr. Genaro Romo, smoking can have a lasting and distinctive impact on your oral health and can lead to some serious dental issues including, but not limited to: 

  • Tooth discoloration
  • Halitosis
  • Salivary gland inflammation on the roof of your mouth
  • Bone loss in your jaw
  • Build up of tartar and plaque
  • Increased risk of white patches, or leukoplakia on the inside of your mouth
  • Gum disease
  • Delayed healing after periodontal treatment or extractions
  • Lower dental implant success rate
  • Higher risk of oral cancer

Smoking, even with pipes and cigars, can lead to gum disease as it affects the soft tissue around your teeth. According to your Chicago Dentist, smoking will interfere with normal gum tissue cell function making you much more susceptible to infections. Smoking can also impair the blood flow to your gums.

Just like cigarettes, cigar and pipe smoking can cause dental problems. A study conducted by the American Dental Association, showed that cigar smokers experience bone loss and tooth loss at the same rate as cigarette smokers. Pipe smokers and cigar smokers are also susceptible to throat cancers even though they do not inhale.

If you chew tobacco, you are not safe either. Snuff contains at least 30 chemicals that can increase your risk of throat and oral cancer. Your Dentist in Chicago will tell you that chewing tobacco products contain more nicotine than cigarettes making it more difficult to quit. Most people have no idea that one can of chewing tobacco has as much, if not more, nicotine than sixty cigarettes. Smokeless tobacco will irritate your gum tissue. This causes your gums to pull away or recede. Once this occurs the exposed roots become more sensitive to irritants making drinking and eating uncomfortable.

If that isn’t enough, your Dr. Romo will tell you that flavors are added to some brands of chewing tobacco in order to improve the taste. Those flavors contain sugar that can drastically increase tooth decay. In fact, a study by the ADA has shown that those who chew tobacco are four times more likely to develop tooth decay.

Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation and don’t forget to schedule an appointment with the best Dentist in Chicago, Dr. Romo. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Store Bought Mouth Guards Are Not Always the Best

If your kids are involved in sports, you know how important proper protection is, but knee and elbow pads are not the only things you need if your kids play contact sports.

Talk to your Romo Dental about mouth guards and night guards that cannot only be used for sports, but also sleeping if you or your family tends to grind their teeth during the night.

Mouth guards are made from flexible plastic designed to be worn over your teeth and can be custom made by your Hispanic Dentist, or found in major sporting good stores. However, according to Dr. Romo, those store bought mouth guards could cause more damage as they are bulky, not made to fit, and provide little if any protection. In fact, most Chicago Dentists do not recommend using stock mouth guards.

Boil and bite is another type of mouth guard that you can purchase from your local sporting goods store, and just may give a better fit than standard mouth guards may. Easy to use, you just place your mouth guard in warm water, place it inside your mouth, and shape it around your teeth.

When it comes to sports guards and mouth guards, your Chicago Dentist recommends that you schedule and appointment for a custom fitted sports guard or mouth guard.

During your scheduled appointment, Dr. Romo and his professional team will fit you with a mouth guard by making an impression. Each custom fitted sports guard is designed especially for you and is made to fit. Once the lab has received your impression, a specially fitted mouth guard will be molded over the top of your impression. Custom made sports guards and mouth guards may cost a bit more, but the extra money is well worth it for protection and comfort. Check with your insurance company and your Dentist in Chicago as your policy might cover the use of sports guards and mouth guards.  

When you make an appointment for a sports guard or mouth guard fitting, Dr. Roma will suggest the best option for your particular needs. Your dentist will choose a product that will not restrict your speech or breathing, is easy to clean, and most importantly, durable.

Accidents happen, and if you want to avoid potential disaster when it comes to your kid’s teeth, schedule an appointment for a new sports guard or mouth guard with your Chicago Dentist, Dr. Romo. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Push Your Fears Aside with Romo Dental

Being afraid of your Dentist in Chicago isn’t just for kids. Teens, adults, and even senior citizens have a genuine fear when it comes to sprawling out in the dentist’s chair. However, with the advancement of dentistry in the 21st century and Romo Dental, you can put your fears aside and relax.

Avoiding that toothache because you cannot tolerate that dentist drill will only make things worse. If you had gone in for a filling, which is virtually painless, when you first noticed the cavity, you would not have to endure a root canal. Scheduling regular appointments with your dentist is vital if you want to have healthy teeth and gums.
Even folks who endure the drill, regular cleanings, and deep cleanings have had to overcome their fear of the dentist, but thanks to the friendly team of professionals from Romo Dental, patients leave the office pain free and grinning from ear to ear.

If your fear of the dentist has more to do with your bank account than actual physical pain, talk to the knowledgeable staff from Romo Dental who will be able to help you decide on the best payment options for your particular needs. Of course, should a dental emergency arise and you are unable to cover the costs on the spot, Romo Dental may be able to work with you making suitable payment arrangements providing the lines of communication are left open.

With the latest technologies and friendly and knowledgeable staff, you will feel confident knowing that you can trust Romo Dental to help you overcome your fear of the dentist.

Sometimes all it takes is a gentle hand and a kind word to make you feel right at home, and that is exactly what you will get when you see Chicago’s friendliest and most well-equipped dentist in Chicago.

Push your fears aside and schedule that long overdue appointment with the best Dentist in Chicago, Dr. Romo. Open six days a week for your convenience, you will finally be able to relax and maybe even enjoy your dental appointments.