Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Your Dentist May Be Able to Help with TMJ Disorders

That constant headache that you’ve been having could be cause for concern, and if everything has checked out with your physician, you may need to schedule an appointment with your dentist who can determine if you are suffering from a TMJ disorder.

TMJ, or Temporal-Mandibular Joint disorders are cause by problems that occur where the head and jaw meet. Your Dentist will tell you that TMJ disorders can cause all sorts of problems including earaches, constant popping or clicking when you open your mouth and trouble opening and closing your mouth.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, TMJ causes dysfunction and pain in the muscles that control the movement in your jaw. Recent research has indicated that more than 10 million people in the United Stated are affected with TMJ disorders.

Although men suffer from TMJ disorders, it is more common in women. For the majority of people dealing with TMJ disorders the discomfort is temporary and only happens on occasion. For some, a TMJ disorder may disappear without treatment, for others however, the pain is significant with symptoms that could last a lifetime.  

If you think you may be suffering from a TMJ disorder, there are some things you can do to alleviate the symptoms. These include the application of ice packs and eating soft foods. According to your Dentist, other things you can do to ease your pain include relaxation techniques and gentle jaw stretching. Try avoiding wide yawning and chewing gum as it may cause more problems.

Schedule an appointment with you doctor or Dentist who can help if over the counter medications have not helped relieve your pain and discomfort. Your Dentist may prescribe muscle relaxants, anti depressants or anti-inflammatory medications to help ease your TMJ symptoms.

Talk to your Dentist who may recommend stabilization splints. Widely used to help TMJ disorders, stabilization splints can help with pain and discomfort. Depending on your particular situation, your Dentist may also recommend replacing missing teeth or adjusting your bite. If you have gaps between your teeth or need to have your teeth moved, talk to your Dentist as these could all be causing TMJ problems. If clenching or teeth grinding is the problem, your Dentist may suggest a custom-made mouthpiece.

For more information regarding TMJ disorders, schedule an appointment with your Dentist who can help you decide what steps to take according to your needs.